Sunday, December 21, 2014

POINTS of PRIDE: Humboldt Community School District

TLC Coach Lucinda Boyd, Curriculum Director Tamela Johnson, & TLC Coach Rachelle Mau
7th grade team in an AIW session
 Motto of the Humboldt Community School District:  Learning and Success for All!  A motto manifested by Humboldt's commitment to the Authentic Intellectual Work (AIW) framework.  My Humboldt guide was Rachelle Mau, a technology coach in the district through the Teacher Leadership & Compensation Grant (TLC).  Rachelle is also a  facilitator for AIW.  The day began in a 7th grade AIW meeting as a teacher presented a video of her teaching for analysis by the others.  Before viewing the video, the teacher explained the purpose of her lesson along with the Iowa Core standards for the lesson.  She was also asked:  Are you interested in having instruction critiqued? Will you teach this again? Which AIW standard should we focus on?

Discussion was in partners as they reflected upon the following AIW standards:
  1. Higher Order Thinking
  2. Depth of Knowledge and Student Understanding
  3. Substantive Conversation
  4. Value Beyond School
AIW is the umbrella under which instructional strategies are implemented, always with a focus on building conceptual knowledge.  Explicit instruction takes conversations to a deeper level, building true collaborative conversations related to instruction. The peer review process helps teachers re-examine lessons and improve them for next year.  Humboldt has five AIW coaches and now with the TLC grant they are able to spend more time coaching and guiding the AIW process.  Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) are data driven while AIW uses the data to focus on explicit teaching.

Approximate enrollment:  1200
Free and Reduced Lunch:  around 38%
Humboldt Middle School is fortunate to have two 42 minute daily preps - one for collaboration and one for preparation.  This team coordinates a Learning Lunch time where students who are behind eat lunch while catching up.  Teachers are also present assist students.  Humboldt Middle also provides Saturday school for those needing extra work time.   To add to staff continuous improvement, every Wednesday is an early out with this year's focus:  integration of technology and working with students in poverty.  Smart boards are in every classroom, and the building is organized around pod areas used to pull students to for extra assistance or for group presentations.  The middle school was the first to go 1:1 with laptops because it was built to accommodate technology.

Middle School Exploratories include a STEM class:  Project Lead the Way, Lego Robotics, Lego Energy, Design and Modeling, and VEX Robotics.  They also have Art, Family Consumer Science, Guidance, Guitar, Computers, and Industrial Technology. 

When asked about their points of pride, teachers shared that the Teacher Leadership and Compensation grant has moved the district from a top down leadership to a bottom up leadership with teachers participating directly in the decisions about professional development.  There is additional collaboration between schools, teachers/administrators, and between districts since Humboldt is with Twin Rivers in the TLC grant. 

Next stop was Clyde D. Meese elementary where kindergarten is involved in project-based learning.  Rachelle explained the process as they learn about geese and ducks using KWL charts, observation techniques, and research.  Both elementaries in Humbolt - Meese and Taft - are Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)  schools with clear expectation posted around the buildings and awards earned by receiving tickets for good behavior.  The pledge students take to end Abuse and Violence is, "I will not use my hands or my words for hurting myself or others." 

4th grade tour guides at Taft
George Bruders has been the principal of Taft Elementary for 15 years, with Taft receiving national recognition as a Blue Ribbon School in 2013.  Mr. Bruders is proud that the students of Taft are caring and wonderful.  He  says he is fortunate to work with such a high quality staff and a caring community.  Humboldt elementaries after school programs until 5:30 P.M. for students needing additional childcare.

My 4th grade tour guides were Keaton, Tricia, and Brenna.  They were very proud of the school and proudly went through the PBIS procedures including an explanation of minor and major infractions that prevent students from participating in PBIS activities.  They are proud of their school and all it has to offer.

According to the U.S. Department of Education website:  "The National Blue Ribbon School award affirms the hard work of students, educators, families, and communities in creating safe and welcoming schools where students master challenging content. The National Blue Ribbon School flag gracing an entry or flying overhead is a widely recognized symbol of exemplary teaching and learning."  Congratulations, Taft, on this tremendous achievement!  Congratulations, Humboldt Community School District on all you offer your students!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

POINTS of PRIDE: Ms. Hartman's Class at Atkins

Ms. Hartman's 4th Grade Class
Sometimes we get so busy we forget to view school through the eyes of a child.  I was reminded of the joy of being a 4th grader when I visited Ms. Sara Hartman's class at Atkins Elementary, a part of the Benton Community School District. 

My afternoon visit began with a preview of the Reader's Theater play - Jingle's Christmas Dilemma, a play written by Ms. Hartman.  The 4th grade class presented to first grade and will share the play with a local facility for handicapped adults at a later date.  What a treat to see the excitement in the eyes of 4th grade actors and actresses!  Enjoy the view of this holiday season through the following photos of the play...
Narrator while Santa waits

Reindeer give their advice

The play provided words of wisdom such as, "You have the ability to do whatever you set your heart to do!" and "Believe in yourself and you will achieve your goals!"  Also embedded within the play were words of advice for good writing skills as Jingles attempted to write a great story for Santa.

Once play practice was complete,  the students quickly and quietly transitioned back into their rooms to give their presentations about states around the United States.  Each student completed their project stored within their electronic portfolio and presented it via Google Docs to the class.  Facts about states were given.  Not only did they give the state motto, but taking it deeper, they also told what that motto meant.  They were very professional in their presentations - solid voices, good eye contact, great articulation of words.  Ms. Hartman is all business as she shows that she values their learning.  Much is said about Level 1 voices (Level 3 voices are for recess), and she makes it obvious what her expectations are.  Students know the routine and listen attentively to the other students, waiting patiently to ask quality questions once the presentation is complete.
Jason West, Sarah Hartman, & Jo Prusha
Students left for recess and I was able to visit with Principal Jason West and Curriculum Director Jo Prusha.  Benton School District has the TLC grant and has four instructional coaches, two curriculum/professional development leaders, and model classrooms that provide examples of technology infusion, differentiation, and progress monitoring.  Their Professional Learning Communities are known as CL/DT - Collaborative Learning/Data Teams.  In the area of technology, their junior high/high school are 1:1 with iPads.

Enrollment: 1400-1450
Free and Reduced Lunch:  around 23%

Returning to Ms. Hartman's room, students were participating in center work - reading with the teacher, categorizing words, and completing computer work.  Once again smooth transitions were made between tasks.  To celebrate their success, students completed a class cheer:

Don't mess with the best 
'Cause the best don't mess!
Don't fool with the cool
'Cause the cool don't fool!
Don't bite my apple!
Don't shake my tree!
I'm a mighty fourth grader -
Don't mess with me! 

Another great visit to an Iowa classroom!  It was a privilege to spend time as a fourth grader in Ms. Hartman's classroom.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

POINTS of PRIDE: Wapello School District

Principal Brett Nagle & Superintendent Peterson

"The block of granite which was an obstacle in the pathway of the weak, became a stepping-stone in the pathway of the strong." ~Thomas Carlyle

A visit with Wapello's Superintendent Mike Peterson provides a person with a view of what makes Wapello Community School District a success.  His positive attitude reflects the positive direction Wapello Schools are headed.  The district's continuing initiatives include implementation of data teams, PBIS, and Everyday Math.  New initiatives include LETTERS training by all elementary staff and vocabulary instruction at the high school level.  Both have been chosen as a focus based on assessment data.  Their Iowa Assessments are turning the corner  with "delayed status" in both reading and writing for the district.  Superintendent Peterson speaks highly of the support given to his district by the Great Prairie AEA.

District enrollment:  679
Free and Reduced Lunch:  About 53%
Two buildings:  PreK - Grade 6; Grades 7-12
Mr. Peterson also speaks highly of the community support shown his district.  One organization "Just Two Moms," is a group started by two mothers who have lost children to cancer.  This group provides advocacy and fundraising for cancer research by working with the school district.  All sports hold "Pink Out" nights to bring awareness to cancer.  The FCCLA partners with the local food pantry with food drives and lessons in meal preparation.  Wapello has a very strong Ag program and FFA that holds the largest youth sponsored professional rodeo in Iowa.  It is held in conjunction with the annual local town celebration.  Another way that the community supports the district is through Junior Achievement, focused on fifth and sixth grade along with business partnerships.
JH/JS Auditorium seats 360

Secretary Hammond
Mr. Steve Bohlen has been the Junior High/High School principal for more than 20 years, but he gives a great deal of credit to the success of the high school to his secretary, Rae Laneia Hammond.
Ticket booth for rodeo made in IT
The Trades Lab Wing houses Family Consumer Science, Industrial Tech, and Ag classes.  Courses include Construction Tech, Woods I & II, Welding, Small Engines, Ag, Animal Sciences.  Concurrent enrollment classes include Horticulture, English Composition, and assorted online classes, in partnership with both Southeast and Muscatine Community Colleges. Other opportunities for high school students include  Mock Trial, Battle of the Books, Art Club, Knowledge Bowl Team, Jazz Choir, Jazz Band, Concert Band, Pep Band, Large Group and Individual Speech, FCCLA, and FCA. 
Principal Steve Bohlen & Karen McCullough

It was great to run into Ms. Karen McCullough, FCS teacher and FCCLA sponsor.  Karen was in FFA with my children in eastern Iowa.  During FFA she baked pies as her SAE (Supervised Ag Experience) and is now sharing that talent with her FCCLA students.  Pie baking has become a major fundraiser to support the FCCLA activities.  Last year they sold 64 pies, and this year that has more than doubled to 148.  What a joy to see a young adult making a difference in the lives of others doing a job where she can share her talents!
A new addition to the JH/HS is the weight room.  Kent Feeds donated $25,000 towards the building of the Weight Room at Wapello.  The Indians and Arrows are making good use of this facility as they work towards success both in the classroom and on the playing field.  Soccer has been recently added to the list of sports teams in order to meet the interests of students in the district, and it has been met with great enthusiasm.
Elementary principal Brett Nagle says the best thing about Wapello is that everyone knows everyone else.  This adds to the welcoming atmosphere of a special place called Wapello Community School District.

School Motto:
T - Trusthworthy
R - Respectful
I -   Inspiring
B - Be Responsible
E - Encourage Others

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

POINTS of PRIDE: Winterset School District

Kindergarten PLC
Welcome to Winterset!   
Motto:  Whatever It Takes!

Enrollment 1750
Free and Reduced Lunch 34%
4 buildings PK-12

Dr. Meade & Mike Kaldenberg

Dr. Meade & Principal Wendy Sawyer
Dr. Meade & Principal Kathryn Wharton
Winterset subscribes to the WHATEVER IT TAKES motto - with common planning time, every day WIN (What I Need) intervention time, and a focus on quality implementation of Professional Learning Communities across the district.   In the words of Superintendent Susie Meade, their process has been wildly successful.  Their Title I buildings are no longer on the SINA (School in Need of Assistance) list with elementary being off the list and middle school being in Safe Harbor. 

Winterset is in their first year of the Teacher Leadership and Compensation Grant.  Previously, for two years the Heartland Area Education Agency provided an instructional coach.  Now through their TLC grant, instructional coaches are serving K-12 in ELA, Math/Science/Technology, and Special Education.  A coordinator brings all coaches together along with a district leadership team to plan and implement professional development.

Elementary Data Wall
Their elementary classroom has a data room for tracking progress and a place for Professional Learning Communities to gather and plan strategies for instruction.   Iowa Core and National Standards are a focus.  At the elementary there are data days every 4 - 6 weeks.  At the end of that time, the Heartland specialist comes in to discuss those students not moving and develop a plan for those not moving.

Their middle school has been open for four years and holds grades 4-6 with a strong principal focused on the Gradual Release of Responsibility. With the middle school success with GRR, it is now implemented in all buildings and the Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) focus discussion on enhancing its use.  The district-wide focus on Gradual Release of Responsibility is manifested through the posting of learning targets and an emphasis on active engagement for all students.  Teachers also study and implement the use of higher levels of Bloom's questioning.  To encourage the successful implementation of PLCs, around 30 staff members are taken every year to Minnesota to a PLC conference.

The Junior High School is grades 7-8.  There is common planning time.  All special education students are in the Core classes as much as possible with co-teaching.

The High School is organized in block scheduling.  They also have Career Academies:  Building Trades program (build a house); Electrical program (graduates move into additional opportunities beyond this class); CNA program; Engineering classes including Project Lead the Way; and a Culinary Arts Program when enough show interest.  Their high school also has an MOC program - Multi-Occupation Career Exploration, and participants gain work skills by community employment.

Dr. Meade is very happy with the PAES program incorporated in the Special Education classrooms.  (It comes from West DesMoines.)  Students learn how to be gainfully employed.  They complete tasks which are assessed, and they are paid depending upon their performance.  Genesis is a sheltered workshop for adult special needs, and they partner with the high school to help with transition from school to the world of work.

Winterset is well known for its quality music program.  80% of the Winterset students are invovled in band, choir, or athletic teams.  Other opportunities for student involvement include:
  • Conservation Club
  • Robotics Club
  • Young Women's Club
  • Speech Club
  • Student Council
  • Huskie Help Day - community service in the spring for seniors.  It is a day of release with a teacher to perform community service.

Another Winterset motto:  
 Whatever it takes, Winterset!  You are most definitely on your way!

POINTS of PRIDE: South Tama County Elementary

South Tama County Schools Superintendent Kerri Nelson

Kerri Nelson has been superintendent at South Tama County Community Schools for the past seven years.  She is proud of the strides the elementary building has made towards closing the achievement gap, but she also knows there is still work to be done.  In pursuit of more answers, the administrative team has been reading WHY CULTURE COUNTS, with an eventual roll out to the teaching staff.  Mrs. Nelson has many points of pride to share about South Tama:
  • The elementary school was a recipient of the BREAKING BARRIERS award last year from the Iowa Department of Education for the achievement by those who struggle and recognition for their co-teaching organization that helps to meet the needs of special learners.
  • The work of their drop out prevention coordinator is to be celebrated.  This person works with families and connects them with community resources, and this work has reduced significantly the district drop out rate.
  • There is supplemental support provided by Title I.
  • There is intentional work in the district to make connections with subcultures that has no connections.
  • Their Alternative High School with a Stork Nest program for young mothers is meeting a need to connect these young mothers to a positive future.
  • And there is a strong partnership with Iowa Valley, offering GED classes and adult ELL classes.

Enrollment - 1523
Elementary Free and Reduced Lunch - 65% with minority population of 40% (20% Hispanic)

Mrs. Nelson directed me past the FFA field plot to South Tama County Elementary, under the principalship of Jim Bugge with the assistance of Stacy Staull.  South Tama Elementary has grades Preschool through 4.  There are five sections of kindergarten along with a transitional kindergarten program for students not quite ready for the rigor of first grade.  The classrooms are organized into pods with an open concept.    Mr. Bugge is a rock star among the children.  Just visiting a classroom, students want to update him on their life with comments such as, "My mom scratched her car last night,"  "I had a bad dream," or "I'm getting Call of Duty Advanced Warfare."
Principal Jim Bugge
Cafeteria with stage
Elementary students have two specials a day to accommodate two planning times for their teachers. Several have received training in the Kagan Cooperative Learning program.  With 45 minutes each day of common planning time, team collaboration is high and making a difference for students.  A tradition in this building is to have graduating 4th graders put their handprint on the wall of the gym.  This adds to the welcoming atmosphere of this school.

There is a strong collaborative culture with co-teaching in classrooms between general education and special education teachers. Initiatives include year 3 of PLCs, 1 to 1 with iPads in grades 3 and 4, and implementation of FAST assessment to provide interventions for students in need.  South Tama County Elementary is a Title VII school - one that provides a teacher to work with their Native American population.  Several teachers have been trained in the Kagan Cooperative Learning which has made a significant impact on student engagement in the classroom.

Mr. Bugge showed me an area of empty classrooms waiting to be populated by families who move into the area once Iowa Premium Beef opens its doors. This influx will create a need for hiring teachers as well as ELL specialists to meet the needs of the new students.

It is an exciting time at South Tama County Elementary with much to point to with pride.

"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere."  (Chinese Proverb)
Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
‒Chinese Proverb - See more at:
Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
‒Chinese Proverb - See more at:
Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
‒Chinese Proverb - See more at:
Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
‒Chinese Proverb - See more at:
Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.
‒Chinese Proverb - See more at: