Thursday, August 28, 2014

Points of Pride: Andrew School in Andrew, IA

"What would be possible if your school were filled with students who were responsible, who showed initiative, who were creative, who knew how to set goals and meet them, who got along with people of various backgrounds and cultures, and who could resolve conflicts and solve problems?" (quote for THE LEADER IN ME website,

Superintendent Crozier & Principal Notz
When one enters Andrew School, visitors are met with a banner proclaiming LEADER IN ME school.  It takes just a moment with Andy Crozier, superintendent, and Tara Notz, principal, to understand that to be a LEADER IN ME school is a leadership operating system for a school as well as all stakeholders in a community.  Andrew School, grades Preschool-grade 8, is located in eastern Iowa in Jackson County.  Population: 431.  Population of its school:  180 with 20 teachers.  Free and Reduced Lunch: nearing 60%. Andrew may be small but its focus on developing individual leadership roles is mighty. 

Data Walls
Andrew School is in Year 3 of its implementation of Steven Covey's Leader in Me system.  Year 1 began with a focus on adult leadership - staff discovering their leadership styles and defining their leadership roles in the school community.  In Year 2, student leadership notebooks were implemented along with student-led conferences.  The focus was on students setting goals, charting academic and behavior progress, and providing individual leadership roles in every classroom.  In year 3, data tracking is becoming the norm in each room with data walls dedicated to monitoring and charting whole class behaviors related to  leadership, academic progress, and action plans.  Quality Leadership Roles have been defined by staff with ratings of 1 (needs improvement), 2 (displaying quality leadership but room for improvement), and 3 (quality leadership is strong).  Even when students are at recess, those in charge give them a rating to post in the classroom with discussion back in class about how to move from a 2 to a 3 in leadership. The focus is always proactive and a push for continuous improvement.

Under Tara Notz's leadership this year, new initiatives are moving forward - their special education model is moving from "pull out" to "push in", Daily Five is defining classroom differentiation, and Professional Learning Communities are helping to promote a culture of achievement throughout the building.  Tara's belief is that as principal she provides a service to support and frequently asks her teachers what they need and want.  She and Andy are providing the structure that allows teachers to perform their job in the best way possible.  She states that "Learning by Doing" can be messy but also fun with reminders that it's all about the journey in an atmosphere where it is safe to be vulnerable with colleagues who care.  Tara reminds her staff, "Don't be afraid to take a leap."

Murals and quotes offer inspiration to all who travel through Andrew School.  One mural offers these words by John Quincy Adams; "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."  At Andrew, dreaming, learning, doing, and becoming is evident throughout the building.  Their goal:  to be designated a Leader in Me Lighthouse school, the first in Iowa.  At Andrew School, all are "becoming more" and in the words of one student, "I want to show other students you don't have to be on a committee to be a leader."  Words of advice we all should follow as we take the journey in discovering the Leader in all of us! 

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