Enrollment: 656
Free and Reduced Lunch: over 50%
Todd Jones, principal of the Colfax-Mingo Junior-Senior High School, explained two points of which he is most proud:
- For a school district their size, the schedule is flexible enough to fit both the needs and wants of all students - dual credits are offered as well as a career academy at DMACC. Some students attend Central Campus in Des Moines for advanced classes.
- Another point of pride are the wonderful teachers - Teachers have high expectations in a wonderful and acceptable way.
The hallways exhibit students artwork and many rooms are colorful and welcoming. This year's initiatives include:
- Accountability with the implementation of the Iowa Core
- Improve reading and math achievement
- Post purpose statements in each classroom
- Implementation of Iowa Core Literacy standards across all content areas
- A focus on quality formative assessments
As the website states, the Colfax-Mingo Community School District's mission is to ensure a community that fosters life long learners, independent thinkers, and productive citizens of character.
WHERE students will be safe, comfortable, and respected by faculty and fellow students.
WHERE the rigor of our curriculum will challenge students to achieve at their full potential on each level of their learning process.
WHERE our faculty is committed to developing long-term mentoring relationships with their students.
While visiting Colfax-Mingo, several classes were out in the community participating in a MAKE A DIFFERENCE activity - a focus on service to bring into action the mission statement words: ensuring productive citizens of character. As one quote on the wall boldly proclaims: "We are the HERO of our own story." Colfax-Mingo is providing opportunities for their students to write their own story and exemplifying hero to each other and the community.
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