Sunday, March 8, 2015

POINTS of PRIDE: Keota Elementary

Welcome to Keota Elementary led by Principal Beth McBride.  Here at Keota students are recognized as they SOARR by being:
  • S=Safe
  • O=Organized
  • A=Achieving
  • R=Respectful
  • R=Responsible
Keota is in year two of the Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS).  SOARR slips are written out by staff as they see students SOARR.  From these names, data is gathered and weekly announcements take place to honor those behaviors held in esteem in this building.   Rewards may include choice of a special PE activity,  Sock Day where only socks are worn in the classroom,  ten minute extra recess, use of the principal's chair, or one of the favorite activities - reading to younger students.
Elementary enrollment - 215
Free/Reduced Lunch - 30%
Elementary building - Preschool through grade 6
Middle School/High School - grades 7-12

Points of Pride for Keota include the supportive families in the district and a staff that is caring, loving, and sets high expectations for their students.  Not only is content emphasized but also a strong work ethic.  There is a tremendous loyalty on the part of the community for their schools as evidenced by the high attendance for activities beyond the school day.

Keota partners with nearby Mid-Prairie for professional development related to Iowa Core, Google Education, and technology application. Early outs occur two times per month. iPad carts have been delivered to each building and the 5th/6th grade have 30 Chromebooks to add classroom technology.  The kindergarten has plastic tubs filled with instructional activities for a Home-School Connection.  The tubs are sent home for parents to learn from their children.

Grades 1-3 use the Daily Five as a framework for instruction.  Tucker Sign strategies, hand signals to
build letter sound associations, are also used.  Teachers are always seeking avenues to enhance instructional materials - Donor's Choose and Washington County Riverboat Association to name a few.  Casino money and empowerment funds have provided updated playground equipment for Keota.

As its mission statement reads - Keota is dedicated to preparing lifelong learners for an ever-changing society.  Keota Eagles - keep soarring!

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