Sunday, February 8, 2015


This is why I #Love Jane Schmidt

A teacher knows he or she will never be rich 
according to the way our world defines rich, 
but we are teachers.  
We create, 
we innovate, 
we inspire, 
we define 
and our definition of rich is not manifested in a number.  
Our definition of rich is residing in a heart, 
the heart of the student we encouraged, 
the heart of the student we challenged, 
the heart of the student we did not allow to simply "get by."   
It resides in our own hearts, 
rich with satisfaction 
because we know the secret of what true wealth is 
and it is not in a ledger, 
it is not in a percentage, 
it is not on a bubble sheet or in our pockets.  
We carry our wealth in the value of what we do each day 
and that is teach

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