Monday, April 20, 2015

POINTS of PRIDE: Okoboji Community Schools

Leaders Bouse, Janssen, Downing, Cunningham
Leadership with Contagious Joy
A few weeks ago our local newspaper published an article on my colleague and I with the title "Contagious Joy."  That is how we both feel about teaching and creating an environment that makes learning come alive for our students.  When I walked into the leadership team meeting at Okoboji, it was contagious joy I felt as the administrators shared with pride the direction the district was headed. It was so contagious, I encouraged them to co-write a book on how to bring a district together as one with passion and drive.  (I also told them I wanted the first signed copy!)

Superintendent Janssen leads with a quiet dignity while he enjoys the spirit of collaboration evident between the principals of the district.

Enrollment    941
Free/Reduced Lunch  35%
Buildings - elementary (PreK-4th), Middle School (5-8), High School (9-12), alternative high school

The principals described their buildings as inviting with few harassment issues and very few social cliques.  They are working to "change culture driven by vision." Those who open enroll into the district cite the fact that the buildings are welcoming and inviting.  At the high school, all students feel valued and are not allowed to fall through the cracks.  This district has a reputation of quality programs for all levels.  With passionate special educators, every staff member believes that each child who comes into the district can develop to their full potential.  Teachers do not view students as my students but instead view students as our students.

Traits of character are emphasized throughout the buildings.  In the Fall 2013, Okoboji Elementary was designated as a National Blue Ribbon School.

Okoboji is fortunate to have a partnership with a local major employer POLARIS which has donated a robotics cell welding system to the school.  They help sponsor a two week academy where students are partnered with an industrial engineer.  They work together on the floor of the POLARIS company.

The administrative team is proud of the fact that their community expects them to push the top students.  With a partnership with Iowa Lakes, concurrent classes are offered as well as a strong technology education department with welding and manufacturing.  Middle School has a Project Based Learning unit as a mid-semester experience and the current emphasis in on standards-based grading as they strive to make grades a true reflection of what is being learned.

When talking with these passionate administrators, it is evident they believe in their teachers.  They cultivate leadership and trust that their teachers have an innate desire to improve.  They are willing to confront any negative behavior and are willing to have the tough conversations that help to transform culture into a positive environment.  Their belief is they will find a way to solve a problem even if it's hard.  Staff and administrators are encouraged to take risks and to learn from things that don't work out as planned.  According to these leaders, failure will lead to becoming better.  It can help each other and the district grow and lead to "making the best even better."  Teachers are proud of what they do and are very willing to share with each other.  A magic happens when staff are invested in to the community of the school.

The administrators describe their commitment to Okoboji schools as an anchor that is deep - who we are and what we believe.  Cultivating leadership is their goal and authority in equal doses with responsibility helps develop leaders that are fully invested in the district.  With the dynamic and personal leadership present in this district, it is no wonder teachers remark, "We appreciate how you remember what it was like to be a teacher."

Create! Collaborate! Communicate! Contribute!  All words that are more than just a brand for this district - they are action words that were evident in the administrative team meeting and words that are foundational to the success of this district.

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